SCMAGLEV Bill Hearings

Two bills pertaining to MAGLEV have been scheduled for a hearing before the Environment and Transportation Committee in the House of Delegates.


The hearings are both scheduled for Thursday, February 15, 2018 at 1 p.m. in the afternoon.   More information can be found at these links:



This bill requires counties to hold a public hearing if transferring an asset for use in a high speed transportation system as well as public notification by the transportation entity to all homeowners and businesses within 500 feet of the transferred asset. 





This bill requires municipal agreements if counties choose to sell assets to high-speed transportation systems if such assets fall within municipal lines.  


Every Committee Chair sets individual guidelines for that Committee.   Guidelines on written and oral testimony  before the Environment and Transportation Committee can be found at this link:


If interested attached is a scan of today’s handout from  MDOT at the briefing before the Environment and Transportation Committee.


As always, please feel free to email me if you have questions at or call 301-858-3101.